PLEASE NOTE: What you’re about to discover is designed specifically for parents of kids with ADHD who are tired of living in chaos and feeling helpless to change it. If you don’t mind constant disorganization, unpredictable emotions, or sneaky defiance, this program may not be right for you.
Be Honest With Me…
On a scale of 1-10, how happy with your family life are you right now?
1 being… so much dread it’s hard to get out of bed…
and 10 being… 100% confident that no matter what life throws at you today, you know with certainty that you can handle it with grace.
Now, think back to how you imagined your family would be like when you were a kid.
If you’re like I was, there’s a BIG difference between where you are now and the family life you imagined.
You are not alone.
Maybe you feel helpless because the things that work for everyone else just don’t work for your family. You know you’re a loving parent, but the same problems keep happening again and again. No one seems to understand how stressed out you feel, and it’s SO Lonely.
Listen Carefully
I get it because both of my kids have ADHD.
Behavioral problems of ADHD aren't caused by bad parenting, but when kids don’t respond to traditional parenting methods, all of your family relationships can suffer. Even the most dedicated and loving parents feel frustrated by typical ADHD behaviors, and the shame that follows can be overwhelming.
There is a specific parenting formula that makes the job of parenting kids with ADHD easier, and it doesn’t involve driving to more appointments or spending tons of money.
The key to stop feeling helpless and overwhelmed by your child’s frustrating behaviors involves learning why your child’s BIG reactions seem stronger than they should be. Why it’s a battle to do homework, chores, or get off the screen. These things aren’t happening because you are a bad parent or because you’ve got a bad kid.
Brains with ADHD are different. Different brains need different parenting strategies.
Are you ready to get a new parenting toolbox equipped with simple actionable steps to get you in control of ADHD?
Tools that will ACTUALLY work in a way that truly builds CONNECTION for your whole family.
Are you ready to feel like the confident and capable parent you know you are again?
I created a parent coaching program to help you upgrade your toolbox by learning these three things…
How to MOTIVATE your child to do precisely what you want.
How to COMMUNICATE your exact expectations in a way that doesn’t bring on their strong emotions.
How to STOP FIGHTING by removing the power struggles in one super-simple strategy
Are you ready to learn the tools that have transformed HUNDREDS of families just like yours? 🙌
You’ll learn:
How brains with ADHD are different (WHY the most vexing behaviors keep happening no matter what you do!)
Why typical parenting strategies don’t work (So you can drop the guilt!)
How ADHD symptoms are affecting what’s going on in YOUR house (Perfect for parents who want to help their kid actually DO what they know!)
Stop having arguments over the Same. Exact. Things. day after day (So you can build a strong loving connection with your kid no matter what)
6 Weeks of Live Group Coaching: Get clarity on when to discipline or provide extra support so you can confidently guide your child in a way that nurtures growth and responsibility, all while keeping the peace and strengthening your bond. Value: $1,800
Defiance to Alliance Digital Course: So that you can know the difference between naughty and neurological, make sure your child has what they need to be successful, and confidently make the right parenting choices when tantrums erupt. Value: $797
Parenting Balance Toolkit: So that you can teach your child how to manage big emotions, get more organized, ask for what they need, and foster good communication skills to last a lifetime. Value $ 480
Parenting POWER Plan: So that you can have a framework to help you prioritize needs, organize routines, work as a team, empower independence, and reinforce what is right to keep moving forward toward your goals. Value $320
Calm Down Meditation Audio Download & Self-Care Checklist: So that you can create a calmer environment by managing your energy to be the steady anchor in tough moments for your child. Value $160
Bonus: Executive Function Skill Building Bundle
Free yourself from feeling like your child’s difficulties are due to your own shortcomings as a parent once and for all with specific strategies for teaching planning, organizing, paying attention, and decision making strategies.Value $160
Bonus: Tap Into Calm: EFT Strategies for ADHD Parenting Success
Learn a super simple emergency calm-down strategy that will neutralize your triggers to help you break free from the chronic arguments and the parenting guilt that comes with it. Value $160
Workbooks, educational videos, and recordings of all coaching calls are yours to keep for future reference.
While it’s true that the behavioral problems of ADHD aren't caused by bad parenting, they can be exacerbated when parents don't understand how brains with ADHD are different. This coaching program is a powerful tool that will get you amazingly fast results when you understand the power in each of the steps, but you must be willing to do the work to apply the information to your family. With all the time, energy, and money you’ve already invested in your child, we don’t want you to purchase this course if you’re not 100% committed to taking your parenting to the next level.
The program is six weeks long. You’ll receive your first workbook + video lesson on Saturday, and your live coaching calls will occur midweek. Watching the weekly videos, doing the activities in the workbooks, and attending the weekly live call takes about two hours per week.
On Saturdays, you will receive an email with a link to a training video and a downloadable workbook. We will meet on a Zoom call for your live group coaching to break down the information and provide implementation support. Each week, you can submit questions before the live call via a Google form to ensure you get the answers you need.
The first two weeks of the program are learning and planning; the remaining four are implementation weeks.
I have over 20 years of experience as a therapist and 19 years of experience raising kids with ADHD. I talk about why my experience matters HERE. The model I teach is the one I developed to support my own family, and it’s helped hundreds of other families, too!
The materials provided in this program will help you work more effectively with the other professionals on your child’s treatment team.
You need to be able to access Zoom via a smartphone, tablet, or computer. You will receive the course materials via email.
“This has been a great learning experience. I like the short videos that put information into understandable terms and link it all together. I think I can even show my child these videos to help him understand some of what I think he’s experiencing. You’re explanations have really hit home. I keep saying if I can better understand what I’m dealing with, I can learn how to help. This was a great supplement to the research I’ve started and a great tool to better understand my child and re-evaluate expectations.”
- Heidi H.
⭐ 6 Weeks of Live Group Coaching (value: $1,800)
⭐ Defiance to Alliance Digital Course (value $797)
⭐ Parenting Balance Toolkit (value $480)
⭐ Parenting POWER Plan (value $320)
⭐ Calm Down Meditation Audio Download & Self-Care Checklist (value $160)
⭐ Bonus: Executive Function Skill Building Bundle (value $160)
⭐ Bonus: Tap Into Calm: EFT Strategies for ADHD Parenting Success (value $160)
Total Value ($3,877)
Today’s Price $997
Listen, ADHD doesn’t have to stand in the way of your child’s success in life or your satisfaction and confidence as a parent. Stop arguing and nagging with your kids & feeling helpless, stuck, and ashamed. Discover the formula to reduce defiance, yelling, and meltdowns and gain control over ADHD symptoms.
You don’t need to work harder, you need to work differently. Invest your time and energy in a proven method that’s helped hundreds of others just like you take things to the next level as a parent.
Let’s get started!
→ Communicate effectively and ease conflicts.
→ Give your kids support and structure.
→ Identify their strengths and motivations.
→ Help them accept personal responsibility and independence.
→ Teach them to ask for help.
→ Improve problem-solving and flexibility.
→ Move from judgment to understanding.
→ Enhance family time management, planning, and organization.
Full Price
6 Weeks of Live Group Coaching (value: $960)
Defiance to Alliance Digital Course (value $797)
Parenting Balance Toolkit (value $480)
Parenting POWER Plan (value $320)
Calm Down Meditation Audio Download & Self-Care Checklist (value $160)
Bonus: Executive Function Skill Building Bundle (value $160)
Bonus: Tap Into Calm: EFT Strategies for ADHD Parenting Success (value $160)
Payment Plan
3 Monthly Payments
6 Weeks of Live Group Coaching (value: $960)
Defiance to Alliance Digital Course (value $797)
Parenting Balance Toolkit (value $480)
Parenting POWER Plan (value $320)
Calm Down Meditation Audio Download & Self-Care Checklist (value $160)
Bonus: Executive Function Skill Building Bundle (value $160)
Bonus: Tap Into Calm: EFT Strategies for ADHD Parenting Success (value $160)